Know about 41 pilgrimages of Shri Ram between Ayodhya to Mithila

We all know about the journey of Shri Ram with Munivishwamitra from Ayodhya to Janakpur of Mithila but very few among us know about the Leela Bhumi of this journey. You can visit 41 pilgrimages which are associated with this journey.
According to Valmiki Ramayan each day journey with Muni Vshwamitra began early in the morning after daily prayer. Muni Vishwamitra, Shri Ram Ram and Laxmanji traveled up to certain distance till mid noon. Had a lunch and after brief rest journey continued.
In the evening they halted to prayers for Sandhya Upasna . After Pooja they took rest at night and next morning there journey continued.
Each day they traveled a lot , wherever they took a break a memoir is still present as pilgrimage.
Dr Ramautar has researched for more than 45 years and so far identified 41 places as authentic place of Shri Ram’s journey with Muni Vishwamitra . In this section you can find all these places.
All places are arranged systematically, just go to menu bar and check the 3rd category from left. You will find yatra with Muni Vishwamitra Section. All places are arranged here one after one.
Jai jai shri Ram